The Many Factors of Weightloss, and Easy Tips to Help Lose Weight
It’s the New Year. You’ve been at the gym every day for a month, and seen no results. In fact, you’re more tired and hungrier than ever. You just don’t understand. You’ve heard...
Workout with the Magic School Bus
Years ago, Miss Frizzle and the Magic School Bus gang explored a world without friction. What ensued was a colorful depiction of chaos, and a valuable lesson on how our bodies...
Stop Storing Nuts and Start Living
Like a squirrel storing nuts, our brain uses our physical tissue as a storage system for emotions and intense experiences. This phenomenon is not fully understood by modern...
What is your threshold?
If I give you one dollar, you might smile. But would you consider yourself rich in a practical sense? Probably not. But what if I gave you a dollar every minute of every day for...
Deafening Silence
Imagine a heroin addict; a complete slave to a drug which slowly withers away self and leaves a husk of a human that has forgotten any other way to live. In between uses, there...
The Media Cleanse – An observation of what silence is
At birth, our brain has over one hundred trillion neural connections. Almost none of these connections are myelinated (coated in fat to speed signaling), so we’re pretty much...
The cure to self doubt
Working in a gym for a number of years, I encountered countless people who were intimidated by the presence of others so much ‘better than them.’ I often counseled those...
Empty Reps
If you've been working out and watching what you eat, you've no doubt heard about CICO, or calories in, calories out. If you want to lose weight, you need to intake less calories...
How foam rolling can dramatically help with weight-loss and pain
If you’ve been exercising for any length of time, chances are you’ve seen or heard foam rolling. For most of my clients, there is a love/hate relationship with this method of...