
Himalayan Salt Lamps

Himalayan Salt Lamps

About a month ago I started learning about Himalayan Salt Lamps. At first, I wrote them off as hippy garbage, or at best, a placebo producing product. They had to be, with claims...

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Your Midas Touch

Your Midas Touch

We've all heard the story of King Midas, who above all else wanted wealth. If you have not, it is a tragic tale of a man who meets a god, and asks for anything he touches to turn...

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Patriot GMOs?

Patriot GMOs?

As far back as 1571, tobacco has been used as a medicinal herb, insect repellent, for tooth and skin pain relief, for stress relief, and even improving cognitive function in...

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Sorites Paradox

Sorites Paradox

(This post was inspired by Gretchen Rubin and one of her posts on the one coin loophole.) If I were to give one coin, that would not make anyone instantly rich. If a second coin...

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