How To Fix Your Hips
I’m going to be talking about one of my favorite exercises for three different reasons. It’s an amazing self assessment tool that I give to clients, often to help explain why they have pain in a lot of parts of their body through compensations. It’s...
Get Over The Fear of Falling
The fear of falling is a common concern, especially as we age or if we’ve experienced previous falls. This fear can often limit mobility and increase reliance on things like chair handles for stability. But there’s a simple exercise you can try at home to help...
Strengthen Your Shoulders & Improve Your Expression with This Simple Exercise
At first glance, the relationship between your shoulders and your ability to express yourself may not seem obvious. However, as a central hub for motion, emotion, and communication, the shoulders play a pivotal role in how we interact with the world. Whether it’s a...
Hip Extension on Floor
Start by lying on your back on the floor Inhale as you pick your hips up so that your shoulders, hips and knees are in a straight line, or as high as you can go with ease and no discomfort Exhale as you slowly drop your pelvis straight down to the floor 2 minutes is...