Standing Hip Rock
Front to back Stand with soft knees (or sit on a swiss ball) Inhale and rotate your pelvis anteriorly (if the pelvis is a bucket of water, spill it out forward in front of the legs) Keep the trunk still through the movement Exhale and rotate your pelvis posteriorly...
Horsestance Dynamic on Floor
On your hands and knees, place the wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips Inhale and raise your right arm up and out to roughly a 45 degree angle and lift the opposite leg as high as you can without the pelvis swaying to the...
Tai Chi Push Pull Standing
Stand with your arms raised straight out in front of you Inhale and bring your hands back in towards the abdominals. Hold the hands in a light cupping position, as if holding onto water balloons or a jellyfish. Exhale and push your arms straight out. 2 minutes is a...
McKenzie Press Up on Floor
Lie Face down with your hands just outside the top of your shoulders Inhale as you push up, keeping your pelvis on the floor. Avoid pressing up into discomfort. Keep the back and butt relaxed the whole time Exhale back down to the floor 2 minutes is a minimum...