3 Tips to Live a Happier Life

3 Tips to Live a Happier Life

I’m going to give you three tips to get more happiness in your life. Now. Tip #1: Happiness vs. Success The first tip is to make sure you understand the difference between the word “happy” and the word “successful”. A lot of people get these two things mixed up, and I...
GMO, Glyphosphate, Gluten, Gobbledygook?

GMO, Glyphosphate, Gluten, Gobbledygook?

As a health expert and personal trainer, I get questions about the latest nutrition related buzzwords all the time. Are genetically modified foods bad? What is gluten, and is it bad for my gut? Is glyophosphate (Round Up) toxic to my microbiome? Is Dairy the Devil?...
Butcher Box and the Grass-Fed Revolution

Butcher Box and the Grass-Fed Revolution

As a consumer, it’s easy to be overwhelmed when it comes to labels on our food. Personally, I’ve invested many hundreds of hours into learning all the different buzz words, and even I have trouble when actually standing in the super market trying to pick up a good cut...