Depression Vs Anxiety
Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog. Today’s topic is a ‘light’ discussion on the subtle difference between depression and anxiety. I’ll throw the obligatory “I’m neither a doctor nor a psychiatrist” rant here. Please, if you feel any major symptoms (suicidal...
Russian Twist Do’s and Don’ts
Hello to all of my fitness readers trying to get the most of out exercise, and most importantly to the people who want exercise to be a benefit and not a source of future pain. The Russian Twist is usually performed seated on the floor, knees bent slightly, and doing...
Ancestral Eating in the 21st Century
“If you’re going to eat like a caveman without moving like a caveman, you’re going to have a bad time.” Whatever you want to call it (the paleo diet, the primal blueprint, the carnivore diet, etc), this conversation around Ancestral Eating fascinates me to no end. It...
Listen to the Bees for a safe Workout
Ever wonder why they call it working out? After 6 years of being a personal trainer, the answer is pretty obvious: working out is not only work, but it’s hard! Our nervous system loves to optimize for the easiest and most efficient methods through life, and anytime a...