Did you know that you can actually use your physiology to set better boundaries in your life? Oftentimes, people will work on setting boundaries through figuring out what to say to others, but another place you can start is with actual physical exercise. Watch the video to find out why strengthening your body can also strengthen your boundaries. 

If you’re interested in these kinds of exercises to improve your health holistically, please check out my course Healing (e)Motions: Trauma Release Exercises for People with Stress. It’s full of physiological exercises to go after specific mental health dysfunctions that I’ve used with hundreds of people (and myself) for holistic healing. You can also sign up for my newsletter to get all sorts of tips and tricks to live a healthier and happier life or go to my website to get a free consultation to see if we are a good fit to work with 1:1. I hope this information was helpful to you, and as always, have a happy and healthy rest of your day!